Dr. Dog's Third Examination
It was a great fun-filled day for us and our dogs at Taman Mutiara Puchong recently. There were 15 try-outs for Dr. Dog but only one made it - Chris' dog Sugar.
Nevertheless, everyone had fun and we would like to thank the Residents' Association of TMP for graciously organizing the event and preparing lunch for all those who came.+Sugar+with+Chan,+Babe,+Gideon+and+Kylie+and+Paul+Choong+at+the+back.JPG)
PIX TO THE RIGHT: All the Dr. Dogs gathered together (from left to right) Sugar with Chan, Babe with Siew Siew, Gideon with me and Kylie with Salehin Ibrahim and Dr. Dog examiner, Paul Choong at the back
Please read post below for STAR newspaper's story on Sugar, the only dog to have passed Dr. Dog's Third examination.
PIX TO THE RIGHT: The other dogs and guardians who joined us at TMP. Man in black t-shirt at the back holding a three-legged puppy his family rescued from the streets and is looking to rehome as they already have a couple of dogs.
This puppy has been given full medical treatment, vaccinated, etc and is cheeky and healthy. It moves with such agility it is hard to believe it has only three legs until you notice carefully.
If you would like the Dr. Dogs to visit any orphanage, hospice, recuperating stroke victims, your college, office, local hospital (provided you get clearance from hospital management), etc. please call Sabrina or Chris. Their phone numbers are in STAR's article below.
PIX BELOW: TMP Residents and friends chilling with their dogs
All Pix Courtesy of Salehin Ibrahim
Nevertheless, everyone had fun and we would like to thank the Residents' Association of TMP for graciously organizing the event and preparing lunch for all those who came.
PIX TO THE RIGHT: All the Dr. Dogs gathered together (from left to right) Sugar with Chan, Babe with Siew Siew, Gideon with me and Kylie with Salehin Ibrahim and Dr. Dog examiner, Paul Choong at the back
Please read post below for STAR newspaper's story on Sugar, the only dog to have passed Dr. Dog's Third examination.

PIX TO THE RIGHT: The other dogs and guardians who joined us at TMP. Man in black t-shirt at the back holding a three-legged puppy his family rescued from the streets and is looking to rehome as they already have a couple of dogs.
This puppy has been given full medical treatment, vaccinated, etc and is cheeky and healthy. It moves with such agility it is hard to believe it has only three legs until you notice carefully.
If you would like the Dr. Dogs to visit any orphanage, hospice, recuperating stroke victims, your college, office, local hospital (provided you get clearance from hospital management), etc. please call Sabrina or Chris. Their phone numbers are in STAR's article below.
PIX BELOW: TMP Residents and friends chilling with their dogs
All Pix Courtesy of Salehin Ibrahim