Come Enter Our Contests Lined Up For The Launch of Dr. Dog Programme

On June 9, 2007, the Furry Friends Farm will be launching the Dr. Dog Programme in conjunction with Animals Asia Foundation, Hong Kong (AAF).
AAF Founder, the amazing Jill Robinson will be here in Malaysia to help launch this programme and help with the official opening ceremony of the Furry Friends Farm.
The Dr. Dog Programme is a programme This is a programme where the guardians of dogs sign them up for a programme where they are taken to visit old folks homes, orphanages, hospices, etc. to bring not only cheer but great improvement in the medical condition of sick people. Sick people, abused children, all show marked improvement in their health and well-being just by being around these dogs.
FFF also has a unique way of training where the dogs are let loose in the playground and the trainers basically "just have fun" with them by mutual interaction.
FFF does not believe in conventional methods used by trainers where they starve the dog, force it to perform tricks, use choke chains to choke the dog when it does not perform, etc.
FFF's goal is to teach society, starting with young children that a relationship with a dog and all animals is of mutual respect and love. It is a partnership and not a master - slave relationship.

FFF hopes to later introduce a similar programme for cats.
Please read our posts above on how you can participate in our two contests and the dog selection procedure to be held on June 9, 2007.
At 3:47 PM,
Unknown said…
hi shoba,
I would like to participate the Dr Dog programme with my dogs.
How can I register?
At 1:42 PM,
Shoba said…
Hi! I've just answered your question in the latest post on the blog. Sorry for the delay.
At 4:21 PM,
Unknown said…
hi, after reading your post, i think my little ones are not suitable for your programe. but will drop by to support you!
At 5:17 PM,
Shoba said…
Ohhh, thankq so much. That would mean so much to us. Perhaps you or your friends can take part in the two contests.
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