Support Our Dr. Dog Programme
Babe and Gideon, Malaysia's first Dr. Dogs have made several visits to old folks and children's omes since the launch of the Dr. Dog Programme in Malaysia. Here are some photos taken during the visit. The Chinese and English press have featured several other photos and reports of these visits with the Dr. Dogs.
Here is Babe on the right fussed over by the boys at a children's home at Taman Tan Yew Lai, Puchong.
Below is Gideon with one of the boys. The kids ask a lot of questions about dogs and gives us a chance to share.
The home has been looking after three strays which the boys also adore. Often these stray dogs join us during the visits to see what all the fuss is about :)
The FFF will be taking an expert along on our next trip to teach the home about how to take care of their three stray dogs, such as proper vaccination, neutering and how to understand dogs and care for them. FFF will sponsor the neutering. It is also planning community neutering projects by getting residents of a certain community to participate and contribute towards neutering of strays and release them back into the com
Write to if you would like to help in the following manner:
1. Bring your dog in for an examination to qualify for Dr. Dog. We need more dogs to help with the programme. Please note that Dr. Dog is open only to mixed breeds and mongrels for the moment and will later include pedigrees.
2. If you are a doctor, teacher, someone who runs a home or hospice, etc. please give our Dr. Dogs the opportunity to bring some cheer to those who need their spirits lifted.
Doctors and teachers can help find out if hospitals and schools will open their doors for these wonderful canine friends who work their own brand of magic to the point that even the sick recover quickly just by being around them.
3. Volunteer at the the Furry Friends Farm to help with the upkeep of the farm and care of the animals.
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