Please Join the Animal Welfare Lobby Group of the People's Parliament
I thank God that the winds of change have swept in new govt for five States in Malaysia. If the Electoral Commission had been reformed, postal votes eliminated, indelible ink used, and electoral role cleaned up to remove "dead" people and phantom voters stopped from voting, I have no doubt that Pakatan Rakyat would be ruling all of Malaysia now with Anwar Ibrahim as our Prime Minister. 
Just today on MalaysiaKini you will read a story on an "unofficial cabinet ban" on Hindu temple builders, musicians, priests with no proper explanation by Immigration except to say, "we want locals to take up the jobs". Hindu Sangam President explains that "it takes many years to train these highly skilled workers and yet the Federal Govt is quiet about 2 million unskilled labourers in the country."
Now, does Hindraf leaders cry about ethnic cleansing seem far-fetched? No.
A group called Kelana Jaya People's Parliament (KJPP) chaired by Wong Piang Yow has formed a lobby group with various streams of interest to put foward the Rakyat's concerns to our elected ADUNs and MPs. The streams of interest are Education, Women and Children, Alternative Media, Animal Welfare issues and others.
Animal lovers who are interested in joining the Animal Welfare stream please write to He will also put you on KJPP's Yahoo Group if you are interested.

Just today on MalaysiaKini you will read a story on an "unofficial cabinet ban" on Hindu temple builders, musicians, priests with no proper explanation by Immigration except to say, "we want locals to take up the jobs". Hindu Sangam President explains that "it takes many years to train these highly skilled workers and yet the Federal Govt is quiet about 2 million unskilled labourers in the country."
Now, does Hindraf leaders cry about ethnic cleansing seem far-fetched? No.
A group called Kelana Jaya People's Parliament (KJPP) chaired by Wong Piang Yow has formed a lobby group with various streams of interest to put foward the Rakyat's concerns to our elected ADUNs and MPs. The streams of interest are Education, Women and Children, Alternative Media, Animal Welfare issues and others.
Animal lovers who are interested in joining the Animal Welfare stream please write to He will also put you on KJPP's Yahoo Group if you are interested.
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