Selayang Municipal Council Launches Barbaric Competition
Dear All,
Majlis Perbandaran Selayang has openly called for a witch hunt on all stray dogs at its website at
To add insult to injury they are also offering RM15,000 as first prize for capturing alive, presumably for the most number of dogs followed by equally lucrative second and third prizes.
I suppose in this free for all blood sport, maiming, injuring, using any sort of weapon is perfectly fine as long as the dog is still breathing and photographed for "auditing" purposes.
They might as well hand out clubs, batons, metal chains and encourage participants to smear their faces with the blood of these dogs as this country has surely slipped into the barbaric ages.
Shocking! Outrageous! Was this barbaric competition something an educated, fairly sane human being actually thought of? Wow! If this is the yardstick of the intelligence of a government official, I seriously dread the future of Malaysia.
I appeal to the Malaysian public to please bombard the newsdesk of the Media with emails and phone calls expressing disgust at this outrage. Below are the email addresses you can write to. Please don't forget to include your full name, email and mailing address and telephone numbers:
Majlis Perbandaran Selayang has openly called for a witch hunt on all stray dogs at its website at
To add insult to injury they are also offering RM15,000 as first prize for capturing alive, presumably for the most number of dogs followed by equally lucrative second and third prizes.
I suppose in this free for all blood sport, maiming, injuring, using any sort of weapon is perfectly fine as long as the dog is still breathing and photographed for "auditing" purposes.
They might as well hand out clubs, batons, metal chains and encourage participants to smear their faces with the blood of these dogs as this country has surely slipped into the barbaric ages.
Shocking! Outrageous! Was this barbaric competition something an educated, fairly sane human being actually thought of? Wow! If this is the yardstick of the intelligence of a government official, I seriously dread the future of Malaysia.
I appeal to the Malaysian public to please bombard the newsdesk of the Media with emails and phone calls expressing disgust at this outrage. Below are the email addresses you can write to. Please don't forget to include your full name, email and mailing address and telephone numbers:
At 9:08 PM,
Furry Friends said…
The Selayang Municipal Council has abused its authority in misusing the taxpayers' funds to organise an unacceptable and inhumane competition in order to curb the stray dogs' problems.
Furry Friends Farm has shown a very good example in trying to remove stray dogs and stray cats through its two small scale sponsorship programmes.
Stray dogs and puppies are rescued and sponsored by good samaritans. LACES- Love And Care for Every Stray Cat is a Communtiy Cats Project which aims to encourage the public to contribute funds in neutering the stray cats and releasing them back to their own colony where food is available.
Furry Friends Farm hopes the Selayang Municipal Council and the City Councils throughout Malaysia to have some kind thoughts in planning Sancturies for the stray dogs and cats in undeveloped or abandoned lands.
The unique ideas of Furry Friends Farm in its sponsorship programmes have gained great supports and recognitions from Malaysians.
Furry Friends Farm really hopes the Government will consider in training and educating workers to respect and care for lives instead of misguiding Malaysians to practise inhumane acts towards defenceless stray dogs and puppies.
The overpopulation of stray dogs and cats will definitely be undercontrolled with the saving and neutering strays programmes throuhout the country and I am very sure Malaysia will be honured and respected by people around the World.
Furry Friends Farm urges the Selayang Municipal Council to immediately halt the competition and such thoughts should not be approved in Malaysia!
At 11:24 AM,
pamdevamp said…
Is there anything we can do? write a petition and get all the dog people out there to sign it to stop this inhuman exercise... it's ridiculous, unheard of, barbaric and a poor excuse for dog-haters to assert their anger.
As if there isn't enough cruelty in this world, we as humans are empowered to change that, not propogate it.
At 12:30 PM,
Shoba said…
Hi Pamela, Furry Friends is right. FFF's work is living proof there is an alternative humane way to resolve the stray issues.
RSC has offered such alternatives to government officials, such as during our meeting with the Ministry of Housing and Local Government Parliamentary Secretary, during which an official from the Department of Veterinary Services too was present.
However, from RSC's opinion there is no interest from either of these government departments to look into the welfare of animals.
When RSC called the DVS to complain that no one is attending to the public's animal abuse reports because people are complaining to us, RSC was blatantly told by a senior DVS official that DVS is too busy with "other more important things such as bird flu" to bother about this.
When RSC brought this statement by the senior DVS official up at the meeting, the other DVS official present had the gall to agree with this statement, meaning they have took it upon themselves to ignore the laws in place that clearly make provision for DVS to act on reports of abuse.
So how do we expect municipal councils in Malaysia to act with compassion when the Federal government doesn't?
RSC has offered to help the ministries implement proposals such as given by FFF and even submitted an official Memorandum to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, but we might as well have been speaking to a brick wall.
Our letters to the Ministry of Housing and Local Govt and the Ministry of Agriculture was not even acknowledged.
Please write a strong letter of protest to all the email addresses listed on the blog.
It is the best way to get the Press to highlight this issue. Even if it's a one paragraph letter, it goes a long, long way. Thank you.
At 5:40 PM,
disco-very said…
OUTRAGEOUS!!! i'm sickened to hear this. thanks for highlighting this and to natasha for supplying more contacts. i've just signed the online petition too! just makes me wanna go around and beat someone up. *GERAAAAAMMMM* :P
At 3:16 AM,
Ian said…
Heres the link to petition, i had even sent thtme over my US Care 2 network, nice image now, our beloved country!
At 11:26 AM,
Natasha Fernz said…
Hi everyone,
It is sickening that our so called developed country can have government departments come up with such ridiculous plans.
Anyway will be updating contacts and links as I go along on my blog
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