Remembering Sheena

Stop Animal Abuse in Malaysia.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Joy Is Fine And Encompassed By Love

Thank you all so much for your support. Those who wrote in with letters and posted your comments on the blog. Yes! Linking RSC to your blog with Joy's story will most definitely help. So my gratitude and thanks to all of you who are doing this.

One of them is Nick Josh Karean who is representative of the Humane Society in Malaysia. Nick posted Joy's story and it made it to the front page of Care2NewsNetwork. Do log on and read the many comments from abroad if you wish to at

So far Sin Chew did a great story on Joy and Malaysiakini also carried the story. We are still working to get the news out. We are even getting some reaction from the Malaysian government, which we shall notify you all of later.

For those of you who are distressed, please don’t be. I am putting up a photo of Joy at the Press Conference in Batu Caves just to assure all of you he is fine now (photos of Joy on Sherrina's lap. Sherrina is from the Independent Pet Rescuers. To the right (seated) is Sabrina Yeap. Tuan Hj Rahim from ABDA Aviation and his wife Umi are at the back.

This goes to show what love can do. Even the greatest wound inflicted heals through a large dose of LOVE. And God is LOVE.

Tuan Hj Rahim and Sister Umi are a muslim couple. They feed all of God's creatures including dogs. They came to support us and denounce this cruel act upon Joy.

Jesus said "If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword."

So we won't stoop to the level of crying vengeance. I know a lot of you are angry but let's put this anger to positive use and not get bitter. We will continue with what we are always preaching:

"Education and speaking up for the voiceless" because the Truth will set you free.

This is why RSC arranged for muslims to come to the Press Conference on December 14 at a restaurant in Batu Caves. We are here to work together with our brothers and sisters from different religions to fight ignorance.

We don't want to see what happened to Joy happen again.


  • At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good to know know Joy is in good care, with lots of love. I dont understand how anyone ould beat up a pup till its jaw is almost severed. I believe education, respect & love is the key to create a more loving society towards animal. Karma really exists..what you do unto others will come back to you one day. May hell hath fury upon those who harm. To animal lovers/saviours angels like Shoba & others, god will bless you many folds.

  • At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It was sad and heartbreaking for me to read about Joy, softy that I am , it made me burst into tears, run home and hug my two dogs. It goes to show though that, Joy is an extremely trusting dog, seeing as he has put his faith in his rescuers. Looking at his pictures now he seems happy.

    I agree with Serena, that Karma really exists. In any aspect of life, whatever you do / inflict on another life, good or bad, will eventually come back to you.

  • At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I read bout Joy in the stars yesterday and then I refer to this blog given in the papers. I also feature about Joy and link your site in my blog.
    God Bless...

  • At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi, i read about joy in the star on saturday and am really furious to those who done that. am looking for the petition column but couldn't find it. hope i could find it and hope is joy is doing great. my prayers for joy always. Happy New year.

  • At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi, i read about joy in the star on saturday and am really furious to those who done that. am looking for the petition column but couldn't find it. hope i could find it and hope is joy is doing great. my prayers for joy always. Happy New year

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger Shoba said…

    Happy New Year guys!

    Thank you for your well wishes for Joy and bless your heart for wanting to help.

    I'm afraid the way to help now is not through the Petition since the new law for the protection of animals has already been passed (sadly with no changes).

    But please do read the post about Furry Friends Farm's wish list and help them with donations or any other way you can. FFF is an outstanding animal shelter that also is a working farm with part of the proceeds going for the upkeep of the animals.

    RSC and FFF's main goals are to "educate" the public and God willing the government too about the proper and ethical treatment of all animals.

    So if you can please donate or help in any other way to fulfill FFF's Christmas list, the Farm can then continue to help many other animals like Joy. Thank you.


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